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Shannon Cheat Sheet

This guide covers setting up PATH with the Shannon protocol. In Beta TestNet as of 01/2025.

Table of Contents

0. Prerequisites

  1. Prepare your environment by following the instructions in the environment setup guide.
  2. Install the Poktroll CLI to interact with Pocket's Shannon Network.

1. Setup Shannon Protocol Accounts (Gateway & Application)

Before starting, you'll need to create and configure:

  1. An onchain Gateway: An onchain actor that facilitates (i.e. proxies) relays to ensure Quality of Service (QoS)
  2. An onchain Application: An onchain actor that pays (i.e. the API key holder) for relays

1.1 Gateway and Application Account Creation

We strongly recommend following the Gateway cheat sheets for setting up your accounts.

However, a quick copy-pasta tl;dr is provided here for convenience:

tl;dr Use at your own risk copy-pasta commands

Prepare a gateway stake config:

cat <<EOF >>/tmp/stake_gateway_config.yaml
stake_amount: 1000000upokt

Prepare an application stake config:

cat <<EOF > /tmp/stake_app_config.yaml
stake_amount: 100000000upokt
- "F00C"

Create gateway and application accounts in your keyring

pkd keys add gateway
pkd keys add application

Fund the accounts by visiting the tools & faucets here.

For Grove employees only, you can manually fund the accounts:

pkd_beta_tx tx bank send faucet_beta $(pkd keys show -a application) 6900000000042upokt
pkd_beta_tx tx bank send faucet_beta $(pkd keys show -a gateway) 6900000000042upokt

Stake the gateway:

poktrolld tx gateway stake-gateway \
--config=/tmp/stake_gateway_config.yaml \
--from=gateway --gas=auto --gas-prices=1upokt --gas-adjustment=1.5 --chain-id=pocket-beta \
--node= \

Stake the application:

poktrolld tx application stake-application \
--config=/tmp/stake_app_config.yaml \
--from=application --gas=auto --gas-prices=1upokt --gas-adjustment=1.5 --chain-id=pocket-beta \
--node= \

Delegate from the application to the gateway:

poktrolld tx application delegate-to-gateway $(poktrolld keys show -a gateway) \
--from=application --gas=auto --gas-prices=1upokt --gas-adjustment=1.5 --chain-id=pocket-beta \
--node= \

1.2 Application and Gateway Account Validation

After following the instructions above, you should have keys with the names gateway and application in your keyring.

You can validate it like so:

# All accounts
poktrolld keys list

# Gateway only
pkd keys show -a gateway

# Application only
pkd keys show -a application

2. Configure PATH for Shannon

2.1 Generate Shannon Config

Run the following command to generate a Shannon config at local/path/config/.config.yaml:

make shannon_populate_config

Note that running make shannon_populate_config is equivalent to running the following commands:

make prepare_morse_e2e_config # Generate ./e2e/.shannon.config.yaml
make copy_morse_e2e_config_to_local # Copy to ./local/path/config/.config.yaml
Private Key Export
  1. Ignore instructions that prompt you to update the file manually.
  2. Select y to export the private keys for the script to work

2.2 Verify Configuration

Check your config file:

cat local/path/config/.config.yaml

It should look similar to the following with the gateway_config filled out.

lazy_mode: true

gateway_mode: "centralized"
gateway_address: pokt1... # Your gateway address
gateway_private_key_hex: "0x..." # Your gateway private key
- "0x..." # Your application private key
- "anvil"
grpc_host_port: path-auth-data-server:50051
grpc_use_insecure_credentials: true
endpoint_id_extractor_type: url_path
Gateway Configuration

Ensure that gateway_config is filled out correctly before continuing.

3. Start PATH

Make sure to have followed the entire environment setup guide before proceeding.

3.1 Start PATH

Run the entire stack (PATH, Envoy, Auth Server) by running:

make path_up

Run Standalone Mode (no Envoy Proxy) by running:

make path_up_standalone

You can stop the PATH stack by running:

make path_down

3.1 Monitor PATH

Visit localhost:10350 to view the Tilt dashboard.

Wait for initialization logs:

{"level":"info","message":"Starting PATH gateway with Shannon protocol"}
{"level":"info","message":"Starting the cache update process."}
{"level":"info","package":"router","message":"PATH gateway running on port 3069"}

4. Test Relays


The makefile helpers in makefiles/ can make iterating on these requests easier.

Send a relay using static key authorization (make test_request__endpoint_url_path_mode__static_key_service_id_header):

curl http://localhost:3070/v1/endpoint_1_static_key \
-H "authorization: api_key_1" \
-H "target-service-id: anvil" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_blockNumber" }'

Send a relay without authorization (make test_request__endpoint_url_path_mode__no_auth__service_id_header):

curl http://localhost:3070/v1/endpoint_3_no_auth \
-H "target-service-id: anvil" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_blockNumber" }'

If you launched PATH in standalone mode (no Envoy Proxy), you can test a relay like so (make test_request_path_only):

curl http://localhost:3069/v1/ \
-H "target-service-id: anvil" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_blockNumber" }'

If a requests fail, retry a few times as you may hit unresponsive nodes