Morse Cheat Sheet
This guide covers setting up PATH
with the Morse protocol. In MainNet as of 01/2025.
Table of Contents
- 0. Prerequisites
- 1. Setup Morse Protocol Accounts
- 2. Configure PATH
- 3. Start PATH
- 3.1 Start PATH
- 4. Test Relays
- Additional Notes
0. Prerequisites
- Prepare your environment by following the instructions in the environment setup guide.
- Install the Pocket CLI: CLI for interacting with Pocket's Morse Network
1. Setup Morse Protocol Accounts
This is a manual and poorly documented process in Morse.
Application Authentication Tokens
(AATs) are auth tokens that allow application
clients to access the network without the need to expose their private keys.
Once you have one or more valid AATs, you can populate the configuration files required to run the full PATH Gateway
The following resources are also good references and starting points:
- What are AATs?
- Host a Gateway on Morse
- pocket-core/doc/specs/
- pocket-core/doc/specs/cli/
- Gateway Server Kit instructions (as a reference)
If you are unsure of where to start, you should reach out to the team directly.
1.1 AAT Generation
We strongly recommend following the resources above.
However, assuming you have access to a staked application, you can follow the instructions below.
tl;dr Use at your own risk copy-pasta commands
Get the source code:
git clone
cd pocket-core
Build your own pocket-core
go build -o pocket ./app/cmd/pocket_core/main.go
Generate an AAT:
./pocket-core create-aat <ADDR_APP> <CLIENT_PUB>
Take note of the output:
"version": "0.0.1",
"app_pub_key": <APP_PUB>,
"client_pub_key": <CLIENT_PUB>,
"signature": <APP_SIG>
So you can prepare a configuration like so:
# ...
relay_signing_key: "CLIENT_PRIV"
# ...
client_public_key: "<CLIENT_PUB>"
application_public_key: "<APP_PUB>"
application_signature: "<APP_SIG>"
2. Configure PATH
2.1 Generate Morse Config
Run the following commands to generate a Morse config at local/path/config/.config.yaml
make prepare_morse_e2e_config # Generate ./e2e/.morse.config.yaml
make copy_morse_e2e_config_to_local # Copy to ./local/path/config/.config.yaml
# Manually update ./local/path/config/.config.yaml
Update & Verify the Configuration
You'll need to manually update these fields in the config file:
And then check the updated config:
cat local/path/config/.config.yaml
3. Start PATH
Make sure to have followed the entire environment setup guide before proceeding.
3.1 Start PATH
Run the entire stack (PATH, Envoy, Auth Server) by running:
make path_up
Run Standalone Mode (no Envoy Proxy) by running:
make path_up_standalone
You can stop the PATH stack by running:
make path_down
3.1 Monitor PATH
Visit localhost:10350 to view the Tilt dashboard.
Wait for initialization logs:
{"level":"info","message":"Starting PATH gateway with Shannon protocol"}
{"level":"info","message":"Starting the cache update process."}
{"level":"info","package":"router","message":"PATH gateway running on port 3069"}
4. Test Relays
The makefile helpers in makefiles/
can make iterating on these requests easier.
Send a relay using static key authorization (make test_request__endpoint_url_path_mode__static_key_service_id_header
curl http://localhost:3070/v1/endpoint_1_static_key \
-H "authorization: api_key_1" \
-H "target-service-id: anvil" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_blockNumber" }'
Send a relay without authorization (make test_request__endpoint_url_path_mode__no_auth__service_id_header
curl http://localhost:3070/v1/endpoint_3_no_auth \
-H "target-service-id: anvil" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_blockNumber" }'
If you launched PATH in standalone mode (no Envoy Proxy), you can test a relay like so:
curl http://localhost:3069/v1/ \
-H "target-service-id: anvil" \
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_blockNumber" }'
If a requests fail, retry a few times as you may hit unresponsive nodes
Additional Notes
- The Morse protocol setup process is more manual than Shannon
- Pay close attention to field names in configuration files
- Keep your configuration secure as it contains sensitive information
- For troubleshooting, consult the Gateway Server Kit instructions