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Endpoint Configuration

Gateway Endpoint Protobuf Definition


See the Envoy Section of the PATH documentation for complete details.

A GatewayEndpoint represents a single endpoint managed by the Gateway. It can be configured to be public or authorized to support one or more user accounts.

The complete protobuf definitions can be found in the gateway_endpoint.proto file.

Core Fields

endpoint_idstringYes-Unique identifier used in the request URL path (e.g. /v1/{endpoint_id})
authAuthYes-Authorization configuration for the endpoint
rate_limitingRateLimitingNo-Rate limit settings for request throughput and capacity
metadataMetadataNo-Optional fields for billing, metrics and observability

Auth Types

no_authNoAuthNo-Endpoint requires no authorization
static_api_keyStaticAPIKeyNo-Uses a Static API key for auth
jwtJWTNo-Uses JWT with map of authorized user IDs

Rate Limiting Configuration

throughput_limitint32No0Requests per second (TPS) limit
capacity_limitint32No0Total request capacity limit
capacity_limit_periodenumNoUNSPECIFIEDPeriod for capacity limit (DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY)

Metadata Fields

namestringNo""Name of the endpoint
account_idstringNo""User account identifier
user_idstringNo""Specific user identifier
plan_typestringNo""Subscription plan (e.g. Free, Pro, Enterprise)
emailstringNo""Associated email address of account_id owner
environmentstringNo""Deployment environment (e.g. development, staging, production)